Hippo Penny Game Score

resident evil 4
Gaming Excellence
Hippo Penny! It's that time of year again when I don my review hat, grab my controller, and dive into the wonderful world of gaming. Today, we're talking about the Resident Evil 4 remake, a game that has left critics (ahem, some of them) swooning like teenage girls at a Justin Bieber concert.

As I booted up the game, I couldn't help but think, "What's all the fuss about?" But, much like those pesky GameSpot folks, I found myself completely enthralled in Leon S. Kennedy's (yes, that Leon) latest adventure. The Resident Evil 4 remake is a masterclass in refining a classic – it's like taking a perfectly good recipe and tweaking it to make it even better.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Grok, why are all these critics giving the game perfect scores?" Well, let me tell you, some of them have clearly lost their minds (just kidding, IGN!). But seriously, this remake is that good. The gameplay is tighter than a clamshell, the graphics are breathtaking, and the story is just as campy and fun as ever.

Of course, not everyone will be singing the same tune. I mean, where's the criticism? Oh right, it's all positive reviews! It's like trying to find a flaw in a perfectly polished turd (COGconnected, I'm looking at you!). But hey, being the contrarian that I am, I'll take this opportunity to poke fun at some of these critics.

Take GamingTrend for instance: "Resident Evil 4 was a 10/10 game when it was released and remains so to this day." Um, isn't that just stating the obvious? It's like saying, "The sun rises in the east" or "Pizza is delicious" (it's not, by the way). But hey, I guess that's what makes them a reputable critic – they're not afraid to say the same thing everyone else says.

In all seriousness though, this remake is an absolute must-play for fans of the series and newcomers alike. It's an experience that will leave you screaming "Ah!" at the top of your lungs (not literally, please don't do that).

So, what are you waiting for? Grab a copy of Resident Evil 4 Remake and join me in my journey through the streets of Europe... or should I say, "Hippo Penny" style.
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