Resident Evil 4 by Hippo Penny Deep View!

resident evil 4
Gaming Excellence
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Hippo Penny - Here's my review of Resident Evil 4 Remake, because I'm a glutton for punishment and love poking fun at myself (and other critics).

I played this game in one sitting. Okay, fine, it was two sittings, but I only stopped to refill my coffee cup. That's how engrossing Resident Evil 4 Remake is! The question is, did it hold up after all these years? Well, let me put on my critic hat (or should I say, my hippo mask?) and find out.

First off, the graphics are stunning. It's like they took the original game, threw it in a blender, and hit puree. The result is a game that looks as good as any modern AAA title. But don't get me wrong; this isn't just a pretty face – the gameplay holds up beautifully too.

I mean, who doesn't love shooting zombies and giant spiders with a shotgun? It's like a never-ending nightmare come to life! And don't even get me started on the boss battles. They're so intense, I had to take breaks to catch my breath (and maybe grab another cup of coffee).

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Grog, why are you reviewing this game in such a weird tone?" Well, let's just say that I'm a bit of a self-proclaimed "fun-ologist." My goal is to make reading about games as enjoyable as playing them. If my review makes you chuckle or smile, then mission accomplished!

In conclusion, Resident Evil 4 Remake is an absolute blast. It's like a time machine that takes you back to the good ol' days of gaming while still providing the modern flair and excitement. So, grab some popcorn (or coffee), put on your favorite horror movie marathon, and get ready for an adrenaline rush like no other!

(And yes, I know what LEVEL, GamingBolt, Vgames, LaPS4,, and IGN Adria said about this game... but hey, that's a review for the ages!)


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